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Book 21layers of the soul

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Annemiek Douw

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21 Layers of the Soul
Healing the Karmic Ties with Friends, Lovers, Family and Enemies, by Annemiek Douw MSc


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Energetic Smog and how it Attracts Entities

Energetic Smog and how it Attracts Entities

Author and Healing Medium Annemiek Douw explains how places can get energetically polluted and attract entities, and what can be done about it. Just like energy can get stuck to a person’s aura, it can also linger for quite some time in rooms and buildings. This can...

What does it mean to be a Highly Sensitive Person?

What does it mean to be a Highly Sensitive Person?

Healing Medium and author Annemiek Douw discusses Highly Sensitive People for whom life can be easier: if they learn to handle the extra information they receive. The Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) who attend my HSP courses usually aren’t too crazy about being Highly...

The Upside of Unwanted Aura Hitchhikers

Author and Healing Medium Annemiek Douw shares her optimistic view on being harassed by dead people: They give good feedback and offer a chance to grow and heal. Do you know the feeling? You’re sitting next to someone at a birthday party and start to get really,...

21 Ways to Grow as a Soul

Author and Healing Medium Annemiek Douw talks about the work of Healers and Mediums and the boundaries that are being moved in the field of aura healing. Every person has a physical body surrounded by a cloud of energy: the aura. This human aura is an energy field...

The Benefit of Blocking Emotions

Author and Healing Medium, Annemiek Douw, shares her positive view on suppressing negative emotions. And for those who still want to change their habits, she offers a tool to help them do so. Have you ever wondered why people are often inclined to relive perfect,...