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Book 21layers of the soul

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Annemiek Douw

Book Trailer
21 Layers of the Soul
Healing the Karmic Ties with Friends, Lovers, Family and Enemies, by Annemiek Douw MSc


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40 layers and coffee

Friday January 25th, 2019. A new course group ’40 layers of the Soul in practice’. It started off with two women crying, laughing at the same time. Two best friends from two totally different places that had forgotten to tell each other that they both were attending...

Heading Hands: anger and connections

Last Friday I gave another Healing Hands advanced course. Theme of the day was: the gall bladder, how to work (constructively) with anger issues. To be honest, I wasn’t really looking forward to it, because of the course I gave in June: various ways of connecting....

Courses, table and dates

After 4 months of waiting because I really wanted an amethyst coloured Earth Lite, conforma and it had to be shipped by ship from the USA especially for me, I proudly present you the newest member of massage tables I use during the courses I give.   I almost...

Not one bridge too far

Yesterday we finally did it: 7 of the course participants and I went to Arnhem, to help hundreds of souls go to the Light. Most of them died during WOII and were still not able to leave the battlefield. During a course in March we came to talk about it and since the...

Healing Hands Course, January ’16

What a lunch! I mean, what a day, what a course and what an excellent lunch we had January 29th. But actually I mean, what a great lunch we had! Today I gave yet another Healing Hands 1 and we all got really silent during lunch… Not that there was nothing to talk...