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Book 21layers of the soul

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Annemiek Douw

Book Trailer
21 Layers of the Soul
Healing the Karmic Ties with Friends, Lovers, Family and Enemies, by Annemiek Douw MSc


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Heading Hands: anger and connections

Last Friday I gave another Healing Hands advanced course. Theme of the day was: the gall bladder, how to work (constructively) with anger issues. To be honest, I wasn’t really looking forward to it, because of the course I gave in June: various ways of connecting....

Healing traumatized animals

Sometimes my path crosses with a somewhat hairy male. Or hairy female, that’s possible too. Often they are unwelcome anymore but lucky fort hem they’ve found a new home. But still, they carry a heavy burden on their shoulders. Their history follows them wherever they...

Trauma healing

Last Friday I gave a course: the healing of trauma, in aura layer 6. For those who don’t know all the layers by heart, that’s the one in which you can find trauma that originated in this or in Past Lives.   Trauma that can be of such an influence to your reactions in...

Annemiek in Dutch newspaper

  I’m in a newspaper! It’s a very nice article, but unfortunately for you it’s in Dutch. But, no worries, April 19th 2018 Brenda Lainof is going to interview me in English. Of course I will share the link of that conversation, so you can listen in, if you wish....

A dog’s life

Senna, the black Labrador is tired and fed up. She thinks: Mum doesn’t pay any attention this week. Well, any. Not enough, I believe. For days she had sessions and I wasn’t allowed to play with her. I had to beháve.   Then she goes out and leaves me alone for a whole...

Family constellations for very lazy people….

Now and then, when the situation requires it, I work with my personal version of Family of Organisational Constellations. This way of working was founded by Bert Hellinger and after I’d followed some courses at the Dutch Bert Hellinger institute, I developed a way of...

Back to ‘normal’

I love it when my life seems to find it’s own ‘normal’ course again. After months of grieving, caring and nursing for ill family members and finally a nasty flue with a serious fever which helped all the cells in my body to upgrade to the newest level, the new...

Warm wishes

  At the end of the year, I normally look back and write a newsletter. This year I simply want to wish you the best for the coming year. Of course I love to work with my clients, but due to the recent passing of my father and my stepfather falling ill shortly...

Courses, table and dates

After 4 months of waiting because I really wanted an amethyst coloured Earth Lite, conforma and it had to be shipped by ship from the USA especially for me, I proudly present you the newest member of massage tables I use during the courses I give.   I almost...