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Book 21layers of the soul

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Annemiek Douw

Book Trailer
21 Layers of the Soul
Healing the Karmic Ties with Friends, Lovers, Family and Enemies, by Annemiek Douw MSc


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Farewell to my father

Thursday September 21st my dearly beloved father passed away in a hospital in Heraklion, Crete. Lucky for us, my sisters and I flew in just in time to help and support him during his last journey. He died calmly in our arms, just a few hours after our arrival. Last...

Creating a HSP course for deaf people

Today I started creating a 'How to embrace and use you being HSP while you are having a hearing disability'- course. Therefore I met with 2 lovely ladies: Nirosha Boer (chairperson of Stichting Zo hoort het (a foundation for people with hearing problems) and Georgia...

Milestone: South-African clients in my Dutch practice

Today I reached a new milestone. I spent the day working with two clients who flew 13.266 kilometres from Cape Town, South-Africa just to have a session with me! Almost surreal, such a distance!! The female client had read my first book ’21 layers of the Soul’ and...

Flowers from a grateful client

Yesterday I received a beautiful bouquet from Marcel. He suffers from MS and came to thank me for my help during the stem cell transplantation he had in Mexico in November 2016. Having such a procedure in a country far away is kind of expensive and therefor he...

Moved to my new practice

After months of being relatively silent, I proudly present the first photographs of my new practice! I can hardly believe that from now on I can work in this beautiful place. I’m so grateful and every time I pass through the waiting room and enter my practice, I feel...

Not one bridge too far

Yesterday we finally did it: 7 of the course participants and I went to Arnhem, to help hundreds of souls go to the Light. Most of them died during WOII and were still not able to leave the battlefield. During a course in March we came to talk about it and since the...

Just an ‘ordinary day’ in my practice

What a special day it was. It started with a sweet young boy, 11 years old and HSP. His mum told me that he had told her that he sometimes felt the urge to jump; he didn’t really know how to live life and how to connect to others because he thought he was so...