Soulight Shining bv




Book 21layers of the soul

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Annemiek Douw

Book Trailer
21 Layers of the Soul
Healing the Karmic Ties with Friends, Lovers, Family and Enemies, by Annemiek Douw MSc


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we’ll meet again

Dear reader, I thought I was just tired from the tough year that was behind me. But yesterday it turned out that it also was caused by something else. I was told that I am seriously ill and that means that I am now closing my practice indefinitely. I don't know...

Best Selling Author

I was ill, having a fever, coughing and sneezing and I couldn’t sleep. Restless as I was, I checked my email on my phone around 4 am and then smiled. Time differences sometimes come in handy. While I was struggling through the night, someone overseas, from Radhaa...

news and Inspiremetoday revisited

Yesterday I published a newsletter in Dutch to celebrate the launch of The Common Senses and other new products. I hope to translate this newsletter sometime next week. It's about new products, new courses, an online HSP course for deaf people, with sign translator in...

Food and (energetic) blockages

‘It all comes from not having front doors big enough’, Pooh said. `It all comes from eating too much,’ Rabbit said coolly. ‘I just thought, but I didn’t want to say it, that at least one of us was eating too much, and I knew that I wasn’t that one’ Friday, 28 June...