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Book 21layers of the soul

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Annemiek Douw

Book Trailer
21 Layers of the Soul
Healing the Karmic Ties with Friends, Lovers, Family and Enemies, by Annemiek Douw MSc


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New Course: Talking to the other side

A few weeks back I gave the pilot, today it was ‘the real deal’: the course: Talking to the other side. A one-on-one course in which you learn to communicate with your Soul, Higher Self, guides, angels, deceased loved ones etc.. I love to see how people start to trust...

Family constellations for very lazy people….

Now and then, when the situation requires it, I work with my personal version of Family of Organisational Constellations. This way of working was founded by Bert Hellinger and after I’d followed some courses at the Dutch Bert Hellinger institute, I developed a way of...

Courses, table and dates

After 4 months of waiting because I really wanted an amethyst coloured Earth Lite, conforma and it had to be shipped by ship from the USA especially for me, I proudly present you the newest member of massage tables I use during the courses I give.   I almost...

Creating a HSP course for deaf people

Today I started creating a 'How to embrace and use you being HSP while you are having a hearing disability'- course. Therefore I met with 2 lovely ladies: Nirosha Boer (chairperson of Stichting Zo hoort het (a foundation for people with hearing problems) and Georgia...

Flowers from a grateful client

Yesterday I received a beautiful bouquet from Marcel. He suffers from MS and came to thank me for my help during the stem cell transplantation he had in Mexico in November 2016. Having such a procedure in a country far away is kind of expensive and therefor he...

Moved to my new practice

After months of being relatively silent, I proudly present the first photographs of my new practice! I can hardly believe that from now on I can work in this beautiful place. I’m so grateful and every time I pass through the waiting room and enter my practice, I feel...