Yesterday we finally did it: 7 of the course participants and I went to Arnhem, to help hundreds of souls go to the Light. Most of them died during WOII and were still not able to leave the battlefield. During a course in March we came to talk about it and since the...
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21 Layers of the Soul
Healing the Karmic Ties with Friends, Lovers, Family and Enemies, by Annemiek Douw MSc
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France, May 11th, 2016
by Annemiek Douw | May 25, 2016 | Courses, General, News
Today I arrived in Ginestous, France, the place where I’ll give two courses, both in Dutch and in French in the coming week. Before I went here, I spent four days in Le Mas Chouchet in the Limousin, a beautiful place with lovely owners, Frank and Tineke, who just...
Almost there -my departure to France…
by Annemiek Douw | May 25, 2016 | Courses, General, News
April 30th, 2016. Almost there. All the course materials for my first international courses ever, is ready. Next week I’ll leave for the South of France to conduct two courses, both two days long and after that I’ll do a series of healings with French clients. I’ll...
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